2019 USS Fox Reunion

Welcome to Charleston, SC
Becky Norris is coordinating a silent auction and folks are invited to bring things that represent their state or hometown or whatever makes them happy.
Tour Pass Charleston Group Booking Info:
Tour Pass Charleston includes admission for 40 plus attractions.
Experience more and spend less in Charleston, SC with Tour Pass Charleston.
Choose a 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5-day pass which lets you choose from over 40 of the city's best tours, attractions and historic sites.
Admission is included.
Smartphone is required for use. Must be purchased on line. For additional information or to purchase, visit:
Video describing how it works
OR contact for info
Keith A. Simmons
Tour Pass Charleston & Savannah
1-843-410-2577 ext. #1
Experience the best of Charleston and Savannah
