Business Meeting of the USS FOX (DLG/CG-33) Reunion Association,
Holiday Inn Patriot's Point, Charleston SC
Saturday, June 2, 2007
The Reunion Association's Business Meeting, convened in accordance with Article 3, Section 4 of the By-laws, began at 0900.
Commander Wes Moore, USN (Ret), 2007 Reunion Coordinator, presided at the Business Meeting. (To facilitate reporting and to highlight camaraderie,
further references to rank or seniority are generally omitted in this report.) Quorum attained. Payment of dues waived for purposes of this meeting. |
Treasurer’s Report |
The FOX Reunion Association is solvent. Nevertheless, Wes Moore proposed that annual dues be increased to $15. Motion made, seconded, and approved.
Secretary’s Report |
Art Euler was unable to attend this reunion. Dan Felger volunteered to take Minutes as the Recorder and was accepted.
Review of Association By-Laws |
Available on-line for review by Members.
Old Business: |
Election of Officers: |
Not enough shipmates have come forward to serve on an Elections Committee to develop a slate of candidates by July 15.
Nevertheless, there are enough volunteers to stand for every elective office. [Recorder's Note: Dan Felger, whose job it was to complete report
of the Business Meeting by July 5, failed to complete his reporting task by that date. Thus, the list of volunteers for elective offices is not
included with this report, and it was impossible to conduct an election.] Wes Moore will advise on the status of electronic ballots and produce e-ballots as feasible.
Selection of 2009 Reunion Site and Date: |
Consensus developed that the 2009 Reunion will be in San Diego, FOX's homeport. The Reunion month was not established, although discussion tended toward September
as the end of the major tourist season, continuation of great weather, and general reduction of air fares.
A number of services exist to recommend and coordinate reunion planning. A Selection Committee formed to determine the feasibility and advisability of hiring one of these reunion services;
Members include Bob Mallon, Don Todaro, Phil Habib, and John Harry (sp).
The Reunion Committee formed; Members: Rhody Brooks, Phil Habib, Bob Mallon, Don Todaro, and Ed Baker. Marsh Ward volunteered to assist.
Consensus failed to develop a 2011 reunion site.
Association Communications: |
Phil Habib, George Chambers, Fred Venzie and Bill Brock volunteered to become a Communications Committee that will develop a Statement of Work for a single website.
The Communications Committee will be studying two additional tasks: |
1. Migrating all official FOX communications and reunion postings to Steve Lapkin's website: www.ussfox.com. |
2. Determining the mix of electronic and USPS-mailed print newsletters required to boost awareness and interest in FOX reunions and general FOX news items. |
Ship's Store: |
Art Schroeder and Wes Moore are both members of a three-person Ship's Store Committee that will recommend whether the Association should have a ship's store and what items it would feature.
Art will recruit the third member - also a FOX shipmate - who has experience running the USS IOWA ship's store. Wes reported that he sold nearly 80% of the 50 USS FOX commemorative
coins - golden-hued, multi-color, 1.5" diameter coins made from FOX's HY-80 steel - that he took to the Reunion. The FOX coins sell for $10 apiece.
Recorder's Addition: Wes Moore seeks suggestions and assistance on developing an easy, minimal bookkeeping way to handle payment and postage costs for coins and
USS FOX Cruise Book CD-ROM's ordered by shipmates. For example, most shipmates who decide to place an order for one coin and one CD might just as easily want to order two of
each - the second coin and second CD for a special grandchild - particularly if they want to minimize the combined "ship serviceman-postal clerk" bookkeeping and time demands
on their shipmate filling the orders. Contact Wes Moore at W.H.Moore@comcast.net
Other: |
: FOX's Ship's Bell is maintained at the Naval Base, Everett WA. Larry Sorensen volunteered to pay costs for the manufacture of a plaque based on Wes Moore's design, which could be used
as a presentation to the base commander during a future FOX reunion. Consensus was that inviting Admiral Mike Mullen - a former FOX Chief Engineer and the current Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff - and retired Rear Admiral Paul Tobin - a former FOX Commanding Officer and the current Director of Naval History - could spark a larger turnout of our
FOX shipmates the reunion and also generate local press interest.
Adjournment: |
1134hours This report consists of 2 pages total.
Dan Felger |
Commander, USN Ret |
USS FOX Reunion Association Recorder |