USS FOX (DLG/CG-33) Reunion Association
Meeting Minutes
June 18, 2011
Opening: |
The regular meeting of the USS FOX (DLG/CG-33) Reunion Association was called to order at 08:45 on June 18, 2011 in Branson, MO by Vice President Mike Hare.
Present:: |
Richard Bohannon,Rhett Cozart,Larry Chassels,Cash Chambless,Baron Davison,Art "Doc" Euler,Mike Hare,John Harry,Robert A. Jones,Charlie Howes,Rodney Kangas,
Don Kelch,Thomas Johnson,Larry Mikulski,Wes Moore,Larry Norris,Paul Owens,David Port,Frank Priebe,Lyn Rader,James Richardson,Steve Schlake,August Schumacher,
Thomas Smith,Paul Spearman,Blaine Strampe,James Steenwerth,Howard Thompson,Donald Waterman,Gary Watts,Robert Wood,
A. Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the October 2, 2009 meeting were unanimously approved as read. |
B. Treasurer’s Report |
Lyn Rader gave his treasurer’s report. The cash balance on hand in the checking account $X,XXX.XX. There will be bills coming in for this reunion.
Open Issues |
1. The By-laws revision adopted in San Diego has not been published
2. The rules for establishing the Reunion Association as a 501(c)(19) Veterans Organization have not been researched.
3. There is a question about continuing to bank with Bank of America arising from the requirement of having all signatories of the account present
to add/delete/change the names on the account and potential for charging fees for maintaining the account.
4. We need to determine the date and location of our next reunion. |
C. New Business |
1. The date and location of our next reunion was discussed: |
a. It was proposed and adopted that our next reunion be held sometime during the first two weeks of October, 2013 in San Diego. |
b. Rhody Brooks and Lyn Rader will research dates and proposed properties in San Diego and report to the Board of Directors. |
2. Board Membership: |
a. Participation in the Association by crew members from the '80's and '90's was discussed. It was proposed and adopted that the membership of the Board of Directors
be increased to add two new members. Dave Port and Baron Davison were volunteered and accepted as new members of the Board of Directors. |
3. Reunion Association Treasury seed money: |
a. Lyn Rader reported that Wes Moore had placed $500 in the Association Treasury as seed money before the 2001 Reunion in Seattle. Lyn moved, and it was unanimously
approved that the treasury return that seed money to Wes. |
4. Association Fiscal Year: |
a. Lyn Rader reported that the Association Fiscal Year was originally established to run from October first to September 30. In the discussion that followed,
Lyn pointed out how that by changing the fiscal year to match the calendar year, it would be easier to have the closed and audited books ready for reporting at the
reunion without any pending reunion associated bills that may not be fully defined to address in the treasurer's report. It was proposed and adopted that the
Association Fiscal Year be changed to the calendar year. |
5. Wes reiterated that payments for CD's and coins are to be made to Lyn. He also needs the '75-'76, '85, '87 and '91-'92 Cruise Books for scanning and digitizing.
He has to re-do the existing Cruise Book CD's using updated software to make them compatible with Vista and Windows 7. |
6. Wes clarified that the metal in the commemorative coins is not from FOX, the ship-breaker wanted too much for FOX metal coins ($70 - $100 per coin) and we would
only have one side of the coin for our art work. |
7. Regarding the painting of USS FOX; USMilitaryArt.com, the company that sells the painting will offer a 20% discount for all who attend the reunion if they want to order
a personalized painting for themselves. |
8. Wes read an E-mail from navy.togetherweserved.com/ that recommended all shipmates create a personal page on that site to document their Naval service. |
Adjournment: |
Meeting was adjourned at 09:30 by Mike Hare. The next general meeting will be in 2013 at the San Diego reunion.
Minutes submitted by: Wesley H. Moore, Secretary. |
Approved by: Michael Hare, President. |
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