USS FOX (DLG/CG-33) Reunion Association
Meeting Minutes
Sept. 17, 2015
Opening: |
The regular meeting of the USS FOX (DLG/CG-33) Reunion Association was called to order at 12:55 PM on Sept. 17, 2015 at the Holiday Inn in Mobile, AL by President Mike Hare.
List of Attendees: Sam Antonian, Robert Beaty, Richard Bohannon, George Chambers, Cash Chambless, Mark Chew, Rhett Cozart, Robert Ensele, Phil Habib, Mike Hare, James Jones, Robert Jones, David Kaylor, Rich Littlefield, Bill Moore, Wes Moore, Gary Nissen, Larry Norris, Ken Shaw, Steve Sorensen, Jim Steenworth, Blaine Strampe, Andrew Welle, Bill Williams. |
A. Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the 2013 San Diego meeting were read by Pres. Hare. Motion by Ken Shaw, Second by Rich Littlefield to approve. Motion carried |
B. Treasurer’s Report |
Lyn Rader gave his treasurer’s report noting that our account is now with the Navy Federal Credit Union. The balance on hand in the checking account Dec. 31, 2014 was $9771.17. The balance as of Sept 5, 2015 is $15,150.61 plus $250 in petty cash. There will be bills coming in for this reunion. There is also $467.72 in inventory, cups, ball caps, coins, etc.
Motion by Bill Williams, second by Ken Shaw to accept the Treasurer’s report. Motion carried
C. Election of Board Members and Officers |
Ken Shaw was nominated to serve as a Director on the Board. Motion by Littlefield, second by Chambless to elect Shaw to the Board and to elect the current slate of Officers. Motion Carried. |
Officers and Directors are: |
President - Mike Hare |
Director - Rhett Cozart |
Vice President - Phil Habib |
Director - John Harry |
Secretary - Blaine Strampe |
Director - Wes Moore |
Treasurer - Lyn Rader |
Director - George Chambers |
Director -Gary Nissen |
Director -Ken Shaw |
D. Old Business |
Motion by Chambers, second by Littlefield that Wes Moore revise the dues section of the bylaws. Motion carried. |
E. New Business |
The next reunion and meeting is to be scheduled from mid-Sept. to mid-Oct. The following places were voted on and the top four selected for investigation with the named persons as primary contact: |
19 Reno/Tahoo |
Ken Shaw |
18 Seattle |
Wes Moore |
18 Austin/San Antonio |
Larry Norris |
16 San Diego |
Bob Beaty, Jim Steenwerth |
Board Director Gary Nissen was selected to research the 501(c) groups to see what would be most appropriate for the USS Fox Association. |
George Chambers discussed his new book. |
Adjournment |
Meeting was adjourned at 2:10 PM by President Mike Hare. The next general meeting will be in 2017.
Minutes submitted by Blaine M. Strampe, Secretary. |
Approved by Michael Hare, President |
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