USS FOX (DLG/CG-33) Reunion Association
Meeting Minutes Charleston, South Carolina
Sept 21, 2019
Opening: |
The regular meeting of the USS FOX (DLG/CG-33) Reunion Association was called to order
at 10:00 AM on Sept 21, 2019 in Charleston, SC by President Mike Hare.
List of Attendees: Martin Acosta, Tom Anthony, Thomas Arillotta, Edward Baker, Tom Bliss, Richard Bohannon, Mark Brightwell, Randy Carpenter, Mark Chew, Rodney Click, Joe Doran, Robert Ensele, Eric Figueroa, Daniel Gaines, Mike Hare, John Harry, Monica Harry, Andy Hayward, Robert Jones, David Kaylor, William Larsen, Rich Littlefield, Michael Malarkey, Stan Maroon, Charles McKinney, Bradford Miller, Ernie Montgomery, Bill Moore, Larry Nebulski, Larry Norris, Ashton Odom, Bill Pribanick, Tom Smith, Blaine Strampe, Gary Watts, Andrew Welle |
A. Secretary's Report
The minutes of the 2017 San Antonio Reunion were read by Secretary Strampe. Motion by Norris, second by Miller to accept the report. Motion carried |
B. Treasurer's Report |
President Hare gave his treasurer's report in Lyn Rader's absence. The cash balance as of Sept 20, 2019 was $15,182.29. Total other assets was 1,316.07 for a grand total of 16,525.36.
C. Election of Board and Officers |
President Hare opened floor for nominations to the Board and Officers. Motion by Click, second by Littlefield to keep the present slate. Motion carried. |
Officers and Directors are: |
President - Mike Hare |
Director - Rhett Cozart |
Vice President - Bill Moore |
Director - John Harry |
Secretary - Blaine Strampe |
Director - George Chambers |
Treasurer - Lynden Rader |
Director - Gary Nissen |
Director - Ken Shaw |
Director - Ed Baker |
D. Old Business |
With no report from the absent Gary Nissen, President Hare declared the tax exempt status as an item now off the table.
Webmaster Monica Harry gave an update of the web site. When googling the USS Fox, other sites may appear but the official site is USSFox.org.
Because of data lost through translation and updates, addresses and other information has been lost.
She recommends everyone reregister and update their information.
Future items for the site include pictures of past reunions, personal memories, meet the plank owners, meet the last crew, and stories by decade from individuals.
Video conferencing of future meetings for the members unable to attend is under consideration.
E. New Business |
A discussion of the Blue Water Navy legislation passed by Congress and signed by the President included two web sites on the subject.
The bill becomes effective on Jan. 1, 2020.
President Hare emphasized when dealing with the VA, if a claim is rejected, don't give up.
Keep re-applying. President Hare announced that because of the complimentary breakfast passes provided by the Hotel, there would not be a Sunday common breakfast.
Motion by Malarkey, second by Maroon that those who had sent in money for the breakfast had to notify President Hare how they wanted their money distributed, either refund, Wes Moore Memorial, open bar or general fund.
Motion carried.
Motion by Littlefield, second by Baker to split the funds of the silent auction equally between the general fund and the Wes Moore Memorial. Motion carried unanimously.
2021 Reunion location - Committee Sign-up: Motion by Doran, second by Littlefield to hold the 2021 reunion at San Diego. Motion carried.
A Reunion Committee sign-up sheet was made available for anyone wishing to be a part of the planning.
Committee volunteers are: Andy & Cheryl Hayward, Larry & Becky Norris, Stan Maroon, Rodney Click
Adjournment |
Motion by Doran, second by Baker to adjourn at 11:28 AM. Motion carried.
Minutes submitted by Blaine M. Strampe, Secretary. |
Approved by Michael Hare, President |
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