USS FOX (DLG/CG-33) Reunion Association
Meeting Minutes San Diego, California
Apr 30, 2022
Opening: |
The regular meeting of the USS FOX (DLG/CG-33) Reunion Association was called to order
at 10:00 AM on Apr 30, 2022 by President Mike Hare.
List of Attendees: Martin Acosta, Carl Albrecht, Brian Bushey, Joe Dill, Eddie Driver,
Robert Ensele, Joel Fagerhauy, Mike Hare, Chuck Inman, Thomas Johnson, Robert Jones,
Tye Logan, Michael Malarkey, Tom May, Bradford Miller, Bill Moore, Bill Pribanick,
Lynden Rader, Michael Roussell, Blaine Strampe, Matt Strickland, Todd Welch, Louis Williams.
A. Secretary's Report
The minutes of the 2019 Charleston Reunion were read by Secretary Strampe. Motion by Strickland, second by Miller to approve. Motion carried |
B. Treasurer's Report |
The Treasurer's report was given by Lynden Rader. The cash balance was $13,237 before 2022 expenses. The total of other assets is $400. Motion by Ensele, second by Williams to approve the report. Motion carried.
C. Election of Board and Officers |
President Hare opened the floor to nominations for officers and Directors,
noting that all the officers are wishing to resign and allow younger attendees to take over while a smooth transfer of information and material can take place.
Mike Malarkey volunteered to be Vice President.
It was noted that none of the existing Directors were in attendance.
Volunteers for the director positions are as noted below.
President - Mike Hare |
Director - Joel Fagerhauy |
Vice President - Mike Malarkey |
Director - Chuck Inman |
Secretary - Blaine Strampe |
Director - Tye Logan |
Treasurer - Lynden Rader |
Director - Bradford Miller |
Director - Michael Rousell |
Director - Matt Strickland |
Anyone wishing to volunteer for the positions of President, Secretary, or Treasurer should contact Mike Hare at wyandotvetserv@sbcglobal.net. |
D. Old Business |
Webmaster Report: Monica Harry was not in attendance due to medical problems.
She had asked Mike Hare to report that she would like help on the web site.
Volunteers should contact President Hare.
E. New Business |
2023 Reunion location Committee Sign-up: Discussion began regarding the desire to continue meeting on the odd years as in the past or to meet in 2 years in 2024. The decision was to meet in the fall of 2023. A suggestion was made to meet in New Orleans and there was a great majority in agreement. The next meeting will be in New Orleans in October 2023.
President Hare requested volunteers for the reunion committee. The following attendees signedup:
Bill Brightwell, Tom Johnson, Tye Logan, Michael Malarkey, Bill Pribanick, Michael Roussell, and Matt Strickland.
Adjournment |
The meeting was adjourned at 11:40 AM.
Minutes submitted by Blaine M. Strampe, Secretary. |
Approved by Michael Hare, President |
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